Novice Obedience / Graduate Novice

Novice Obedience/Graduate Novice This class is designed for people who wish to obtain an AKC Companion Dog (CD) title, or for anyone who just wants to continue training with their dog. You and your dog will learn to work together as a team while mastering the exercises required for competition in Novice and Graduate Novice (GN). Off-leash handling and dumbbell work will be introduced. The class emphasizes control and confidence for both dog and handler. Class size limited


Advanced Beginners Obedience

Advanced Beginners Obedience In this class you and your dog will continue to perfect the skills you learned in Beginning Obedience. You will have the opportunity to prepare for the new AKC Beginner Novice (BN) title.

Prerequisite: Beginning Obedience Class size limited

Equipment needed: Buckle or training collar & 6 foot leash

Competitive Agility

Competitive Agility At this level you will be taught how to plan your strategy to run a successful course, and learn the rules and regulations for agility competition.

Class size limited


Advanced Agility

Advanced Agility Once you have learned the obstacles you will learn how to sequence a course and how to control your dog on the course to ensure proper entrances and exits of the contact obstacles.

Class size limited

Beginning Agility

Beginning Agility This class will provide the handler with the techniques and skills needed to introduce their dog to agility. Dogs will be trained to follow the handler’s body language and cues as they learn to work on agility equipment. You will be taught the correct and safe way to navigate the obstacles on an agility course.

A Pre-registration screening evaluation will be done prior to the start of each session.  

Recommended ages: 1 year and older

Prerequisites: Beginning Obedience, reliable sit/stay and recall  (must have had screening evaluation done prior to first class of new session)

Class size limited

Is Your Dog a ‘Canine Good Citizen’?

The AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. It is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs.  All dogs, including both purebred and mixed  breed dogs are welcome to participate in the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen®  (CGC) Program. Those dogs that pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club.

Our club offers AKC Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) testing several times a year.

Beginning Obedience

Beginning Obedience This course is aimed at making your dog a good home companion you will be proud to own. We will teach you how to train your dog and to read his body language. Your dog will learn the basic obedience commands—sit, stay, down, heel and stand.

Recommended ages: Please ask us.
Equipment needed: Buckle or training collar & 6 foot leash, treats.
Class size limited

Jump Start Obedience

Jump Start Obedience A fun class for young dogs designed to continue socialization and further learning of the basic commands, with the introduction of some agility skills for physical coordination, confidence building and added enjoyment. Recommended ages: Please ask us.     Class size limited Equipment needed: Buckle collar or training collar, 6 foot leash & treats