Author: admin
Session 2 : Mar. 3 – Apr. 20, 2024
Session 1 : Jan. 7 – Feb. 24, 2024

AKC Canine Good Citizen™ Program (CGC)
In this class you will also be introduced to the AKC Canine Good Citizen™ Program (CGC) which will prepare your dog to be well-mannered and confident in any social situation. CGC tests are offered periodically at RRNDOC
Canine Good Citizen Testing offered September 21, 2014
Red River North Dog Obedience Club, Inc. Invites you to attend the CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST® (now an official AKC title !!)* on SUNDAY September 21, 2014
Registration: 12:30 to 1:00 PM
Testing Begins: 1:00 PM
Cost for the test: $10.00/ dog
*Owners have the option of selecting a CGC Certificate Only ($8), or the CGC as an Official Title listed on the dog’s record ($20). This includes a certificate.
Equipment Needed: Buckle, Martingale, or Slip-chain collar. Harnesses permitted. A regular leather or woven 6 foot leash. Your dog’s brush or comb.
Not Allowed: Prong collars, Electronic collars, or Retractable leashes.
Old CGC Dogs! New Title? AKC will “grandfather” dogs who have already earned the CGC award (back to January 2001) if their owners wish to apply for the title ($20). Ask us about applying for your dog!
To reserve a spot please call: (701) 280-0436 or (701) 232-0474
Canine Good Citizen Testing offered March 9, 2014
Red River North Dog Obedience Club, Inc. Invites you to attend the CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST® (now an official AKC title !!)* on SUNDAY March 9, 2014
Registration: 12:30 to 1:00 PM
Testing Begins: 1:00 PM
Cost for the test: $10.00/ dog
*Owners have the option of selecting a CGC Certificate Only ($8), or the CGC as an Official Title listed on the dog’s record ($20). This includes a certificate.
Equipment Needed: Buckle, Martingale, or Slip-chain collar. Harnesses permitted. A regular leather or woven 6 foot leash. Your dog’s brush or comb.
Not Allowed: Prong collars, Electronic collars, or Retractable leashes.
Old CGC Dogs! New Title? AKC will “grandfather” dogs who have already earned the CGC award (back to January 2001) if their owners wish to apply for the title ($20). Ask us about applying for your dog!
To reserve a spot please call: (701) 280-0436 or (701) 232-0474
Canine Good Citizen Testing offered September 29, 2013
Red River North Dog Obedience Club, Inc. Invites you to attend the CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST® (now an official AKC title !!)* on SUNDAY September 29, 2013
Registration: 12:30 to 1:00 PM
Testing Begins: 1:00 PM
Cost for the test: $10.00/ dog
*Owners have the option of selecting a CGC Certificate Only ($8), or the CGC as an Official Title listed on the dog’s record ($20). This includes a certificate.
Equipment Needed: Buckle, Martingale, or Slip-chain collar. Harnesses permitted. A regular leather or woven 6 foot leash. Your dog’s brush or comb.
Not Allowed: Prong collars, Electronic collars, or Retractable leashes.
Old CGC Dogs! New Title? AKC will “grandfather” dogs who have already earned the CGC award (back to January 2001) if their owners wish to apply for the title ($20). Ask us about applying for your dog!
To reserve a spot please call: (701) 280-0436 or (701) 232-0474
AKC Puppy S.T.A.R Program
Our Puppy Kindergarten classes participate in the American Kennel Club S.T.A.R. Puppy training program. S.T.A.R stands for Socialization, Training, Activity, and Resposibility. This program was developed by the American Kennel Club to encourage owners to train their dogs at an early age.
This program consists of 20 steps, which upon successful completion, allows you to enroll your puppy in the AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Program. Upon enrollment you and your puppy will receive a medal, frameable certificate, a handbook, and a monthly email newsletter from the AKC.
Cold Weather Canine Care Tips
© 2006 The American Kennel Club, Inc.
A dog’s need for food, shelter and loving care increases during the cold winter months. Keep your dog safe and warm by following these guidelines.
- Dogs can get frostbite or hypothermia when temperatures drop. Don’t leave your dog outside in the cold for long periods of time. Provide a covered shelter, such as a doghouse or kennel, for the times the dog is out of doors.
- When your dog is inside, keep him warm, dry and away from drafts. Tiles and uncarpeted floors may become very cold, so put down blankets or pads for him to lie on.
- Keep your dog a safe distance from supplemental heat sources such as portable heaters and fireplaces, which can cause severe burns. Place screens around fireplaces.